Random Idea

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

pessimist glass, optimist glass, & sadist glass


Andrew Schnorr said...

Also, have any of you used a sledgehammer before. I did, to break rocks (for a community construction project, not in the slammer). I tell ya, it's the most fun thing in the world to do. In fact, if I have a son, I will give him his very own sledgehammer when he comes of age. Who needs a bike when you have a sledgehammer?

jackie31337 said...

Great, now I have "If I had a hammer" stuck in my head.

Dave said...

What's that Beatle's song about a guy and his hammer?..... Maxwell's Silver Hammer?....

Give the kid a bike.

Julie said...

No one ever warned me of a third "glass" option. I think Mr. Sadist knows this works in his favor...
Is there no end to what lurks out there?

Chris said...

If all you have is a sledgehammer, what do all of your problems look like?

And yes, I've used a sledgehammer to get stakes into the ground...I guess you can say it was fun.


Aja said...

"Bang bang, Maxwell's silver hammer came down upon his head,
Bang bang, Maxwell's silver hammer made sure that he was dead."

Just don't name your son Max and then give 'im a hammer. Don't think it'll end well.

lucas said...

considering the size of glasses, that must be a tiny hammer.

Anonymous said...

Dude, this one has got to be my favorite elderly apple comic. This one and when milk and OJ have a forbidden romance...