Random Idea

Saturday, October 9, 2010

FINALE: the Little Crab revealing himself as the Great Old One


Andrew Schnorr said...


Anonymous said...

H.P. Lovecraft or Necrocomicon great old one?

Chris said...

Now I knew there was a reason why I never eat crab...


Calvin said...

The Little Crab? NOOOO! Wasn't he supposed to be the savior? Remember a couple Christmases ago?

Calvin said...

The Little Crab? NOOOO! Wasn't he supposed to be the savior? Remember a couple Christmases ago?

Calvin said...

The Little Crab? NOOOO! Wasn't he supposed to be the savior? Remember a couple Christmases ago?

Calvin said...

The Little Crab? NOOOO! Wasn't he supposed to be the savior? Remember a couple Christmases ago?

Calvin said...

Crap, a quadruple post? How did that happen?

lucas said...

calvin, that's what happens when the little crab turns evil! NOOOOO!