Random Idea

Thursday, September 10, 2009

pillowy pillories


Andrew Schnorr said...

Also, whenever I hear the word "pillowy" - or, Hell, even "pillows" - I cannot help but think of the term "pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes". And if you want to know what I mean by that, see this.

...Then see this remix. And this one. And then today's dose of the Internet corrupting you is complete.

Stephen said...

Much as I love this cartoon, I feel obliged to point out that this is a set of stocks, not a pillory. A pillory is just a post.

Unknown said...

Tiny onions...swimming in a sea of cream sauce.

lucas said...

waitaminute....those pictures on Wikipedia of pillories look very similar to the stocks, except that they only have a center poll. either i'm confused, you're confused, or wikipedia is confused. ????

on non-semantic notes, i love those remixes!

jackie31337 said...

Cardinal Biggles, fetch... the soft cushions!

Chris said...

Club Fed, medieval style.
