Hey! You! This is the 200th one!
No, I'm not dead yet. In fact, I've been able to reach my 2nd centennial. Hot damn! Just like for my first centennial, I bet you're expecting me to create something new and exciting.
You don't learn, do you?
But, just because I'm a lazy bum, that doesn't mean other people are. In fact, some people have actually made some fan art for Elderly Apple. In essence, they're doing my work for me, and it's great! Now I know how Jim Davis feels!
The first is by a good friend and even better graphic designer, Alex Martinez, in what he calls his "Tribute to Schnorr" (that's the name of the Elderly Apple Guy's offline persona, you see), creating a parallel dimension version of a few different ideas.Captain Cakehead the Pirate (sans parrot)
world's most emaciated cat on a mission for Her Majesty's Service
a librarian's spirit emerging from an old grimoire
hypochondriac ghost in a protective bubble (I...think?)
barbecue brawl: tines vs. tongs
students graduating from skeletal school
grim reaper taking a bath
street lights greeting each other on their way to work
And, in the spirit of some gentle ribbing, here is a guest piece done by J Horsley the 3rd of y2cl comics.
Now, finally, bringing us back to our roots (with an added twist), here is an idea by Dumb Bum (yes, that's his name) of Minos the Minotaur.
Of course, by doing these, Elderly Apple's potential idea list has been shortened by two, subsequently shortening the life of the comic by two days. Damn.
Friday, August 8, 2008
centennial (er, bicentennial): 200th idea celebrating 200 ideas
Fan Art,
Also, the Olympics are stealing my thunder. Dag, yo!
I like Alex's "re-mastering" of your efforts. It looks really good. Also good to see other comic strip creators coming around EA, for better or for worse.
Good job Andrew, EA has far exceeded my expectations.
-Comrade Chavez
that's all i got...again.
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