Random Idea

Thursday, May 27, 2010

tragedy striking as hair and scissors get intimate


Andrew Schnorr said...

Also, now that a connection has been formally been made between the two phrases, should we now start using "cutting hair" as a euphemism for getting intimate, or "make the scissors and hair get intimate" as a dysphemism for hair cutting?

lucas said...

ugh, i HATE when this happens to me!

and as for your question, uhhh, i'll go for the latter choice. i don't want my mom to get the wrong impression when i ask her for a haircut.

Anonymous said...

would this be considered a homicide?

Dave said...


Chris said...

Well that would be one heck of an awkward moment...

Hair: "Hold me tig..."

Scissors: "Oh dear."


Julie said...

You have a predisposition it seems for sadly doomed love stories

Anonymous said...

Well, it seems that the scissors might want to try dating someone who has a little more resistance going for herself......say maybe a rock or other less fragile object.